Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013
Kimmel Center, New York University
Conference Schedule
8:30 a.m. Networking Breakfast, Rosenthal Pavilion
9 a.m. Plenary Session, Rosenthal Pavilion
Eileen AJ Connelly, Conference Chair
Perri Klass, director of the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, NYU
Plenary Session Panel Discussion Social Media Wake-up Call
10:45 a.m. Breakout Session 1
- Room 905, Convergence of PR and Journalism: New Careers in Content Marketing
- Room 907, The Big Story: Covering Sandy, Newtown and the Boston Marathon Bombing
- Room 909, Careers: Protecting Your Online Reputation
- Room 912, Reel, Résumé and Website Review
12 p.m. Breakout Session 2
- Room 905, Longform journalism for a Short Attention Span World
- Room 907, Feature Writing: Covering the Travel Beat
- Room 909, Multimedia: Tips for Using Your Smartphone as a Reporting Tool for News Coverage
- Room 912, Reel, Résumé and Website Review
1:15 p.m. Luncheon Rosenthal Pavilion
Welcome: Eileen AJ Connelly, Conference Chair
NYPC Foundation Scholarships
NYPC Foundation President Gabe Pressman
Winner: Rachael Levy, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism
Winner: Kori Tuitt, Stony Brook University
New York Press Club President’s Award
Winner: Mitch Lebe, 24/7 News Source and Longtime NYC Radio Pioneer
New York Press Club President’s Award
Winner: Shelly Strickler, WOR Radio
Keynote Address
Ben Smith, Editor in Chief, Buzzfeed
Join the #NYPC2013 Social Media Corps and stop by @NYPressClub’s J-Conference AFTER PARTY at Amity Hall @amityhallnyc, 80 West 3rd Street, between Thompson and Sullivan.