Nassau News, the School of Communication's project for hyperlocal converged multimedia journalism went live on March 16, 2006 after a four-month period of planning. The website is operated on a Movable Type content management platform, which is essentially a blog platform, and is hosted by Yahoo for a minimal monthly cost.

The technology allows students to be able to publish locally oriented journalism to the World Wide Web and is flexible enough to accept new technologies and distribution platforms.

In December 2007, Nassau News entered a new era of online publication with the opening of the NewsHub. I marked this moment by installing a set of data monitoring services on the site that will allow me to measure how the site is used, by whom, where from, and collect other data to serve as milestones. This site is not intended to create a mass audience, but to serve the people of the communities surrounding Hofstra University, to provide a platform for students to publish their work, and to communicate with the media and education communities exploring new directions in journalism.
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