Spring 2010 Projects
- Expand learner's journal practice to all three classes I'm teaching -- JRNL 80 (Online Journalism) and JRNL 10 (Journalism Tools).
- Expand live streamcasting to include teaching modules.
- Publish more how-to's via video.
- Expand research into social media measurement and operational application.
Presented before faculty and administration on social-media usage.
Fall 2009 Projects
- Institute learner's journal writing project for each of my classes. Online Journalism class contributes weekly to private Posterous site and is required to comment. Journalism Tools students learn how to use content management system to post their journals.
- Integrate mobile journalism module into JRNL 80 and JRNL 10; also entrepreneurship module.
- Invited speakers to Wednesday night NewsHub events monthly. David Matthison (Be the Media), Lou Young (WCBS TV).
- Inaugurate student peer-teaching seminars in NewsHub on social media, video editing.
- Share learnings more frequently via krochmal.posterous.com
- Increase frequency of multimedia usage from mobile and integration with Twitter, Facebook.
- Learn new Facebook functionality, create personal page as well as interest groups.
- Streamcast editorial board meetings of NassauNewsLive.com
- Streamcast classes for students unable to attend due to illness.
- New York 140conf Tweetup (October 2009) "Social Media in Journalism Higher Education."
- Tweet quoted on Poynter.org's Diversity at Work
- Interviewed for Newsday's LI colleges plan ahead for possible swine flu outbreak
Summer 2009 Projects
- Proposed and delivered "Multimedia Journalism on a Budget" for National Convention of Hispanic Journalists, June 2009. (See slide deck for presentation here).
- Presented lecture to Columbia University Teachers College mobile phone learning class on "Journalism and Mobile Devices." Click here to view lecture.
Research: Multimedia and Social Media on the Road (Using Facebook and Twitter and mobile reporting tools, documented 2,500-mile road trip to North Carolina, visiting smaller newspapers to talk about the state of community news.) See Storytlr.com post: On the Frontiers of Mobile/Social Media (July 28, 2009)
Published on Youtube: Social Media News (svideo conversations with Carmina Perez)
Published on Blip.tv: Social Media Week (weekly project covering social media)
Spring 2009 Projects Page
Launched NassauNewsLive.com (February 2009)
Revised syllabus JRNL80, JRNL10. NassauNews Live team creation, with Timothy Robertson. CMS research, life streaming on http://krochmal.storytlr.com/, independent studies students, grad student final project, summer research.
Speaking engagements:
Joined Gordon Crovitz of Journalism Online, Stephen Arnold of Arnold IT, Myles Fuchs of Pressmart, and Jeff Bogard of Bogard Communications on iBreakfast Club's panel on Google and the Future of Newspapers.
Featured in articles:
- Journalism Education Where are the Innovators? Mario Garcia At Hofstra University: thinking new, thinking big in a small journalism department
- Mentioned in Poynter.org's Ask the Recruiter, in the post: Learn Digital Tools or Concepts?
Assignment Desk Prototype -- Creating a central repository for assignments for classes and news organizations at Hofstra. Staffed with students from Journalism Tools (JRNL 10) classes and led by upper-class journalism majors. The site is a combination of a data-entry portal and display system, wiki, and blog.
Hofstra Journalism content management system -- Created a layered system of wikis and websites to allow each journalism class the ability to post to a central website.
Hofstra Debates -- Created a system of live streaming and live blogging applications and a centralized workflow and personnel structure for monitoring and distributing information during the 2008 debates at Hofstra University. With graduate student Timothy Robertson, created an external debate wiki for collaborative sharing of information and an internal wiki for students to gather issue-related information.
JRNL 80 websites and blogs and wikis and JRNL 10 websites and blogs and wiki.
Spring 2008 projects
-- Debut of JRNL 80 Final Projects on Nassau News (May 14, May 15)
-- Debut of JRNL 80 Magcast (60 Minutes of Local News Video/articles)
Students have built a hyperlocal article with edited video, text, photographs, links, and a memo detailing their work. The work will include community, and mobile elements.
Entries (2) sent off for Hearst Multimedia Awards contest.
JRNL 41 -- Students' Semester Portfolio Presentation Gallery
Created Assignment Desk Website with RSS Feeds, Virtual Sharable Assignment Desk, Integration with iNews, Naming of Assignment Desk Editors for the Fall. Plans for launch of Nassau News Live.
Invited Participant in Edelman's New Media in Academia Conference in Chicago in June.
Preparation of Presidential Debate Coverage.
Completed Projects
Created Website to Archive Live Journalism Events in NewsHub (http://newshublive.synthasite.com)Streamcast NewsHub presentations by Steve Rubel (Edelman), David Friend (WCBS Ch. 2), and Journalism Ethics Panel.
Produced team Twitter and Facebook coverage of presentations
Instituted Coveritlive.com liveblog training for students.
Produced Internet live streaming platform for students' presentations.
2008 US Presidential Election Coverage
January 2008 -- Editor, The Chronicle in New Hampshire, Student Samuel Rubenfeld Reports.
February 2008 -- Executive Producer, The Chronicle Reports Super Tuesday
August 2008 -- Editor, The Chronicle Reports the Conventions
October and November 2008 -- Conceived, organized and coordinated student coverage of Hofstra University Presidential Debate, and Presidential coverage.