This goes back 16 months ago. Let’s recall what was the future site of the NewsHub and classroom and thank WRHU for giving up the real estate that allowed us to create the NewsHub, and thanks to Hofstra for the funding.


This is part of the planning process and the vision that went into the state-of-the-art NewsHub, and some fun


Construction seemed to take forever



The FlipCams Arrive Oct. 27 and were used Nov. 7


And students learned they are good for these kind of shots -- about that far apart.


We moved into the new multimedia newsroom on Oct. 16, 2007.

The new configuration required some adjustment



And on Jumpcut.com


The Jumpcut and Kaltura presentations built on a series of quotes collected and published on Vuvox.


We christened the 07 Fall semester by using the newly acquired FlipCams as lynchpins in coverage of the November primary.

On election night, Jackie Hlavenka went to Democratic headquarters and produced photographic coverage


And students fanned out across the county.

Later in the month, a student captured breaking news in Dempster with the video camera on his cell phone.


The NewsHub Opened on Dec. 5, 2007


The students streamed the event. Garrett Frey represented the online journalism students



Others streamed using the professor’s circa 2001mini DV camera with Firewire and the official issue professor’s MacBook.


You can see the first wifi-enabled Ustream livecast. Good start, lots of room for improvement.


In Journalism 80 and the JRNL 215 course I taught last fall, the course hinges on successful completion of the Final Project, a long-form investigative piece of reporting where the students shoot and edit video into two minute packages, create a text article with links, use additional multimedia, write production memos, transcribe interviews for accessibility and post online at Nassau News.

Let me walk you through what this looks like:

We published Nassau News’s 100th article on Jan. 16, 2008.  I wrote it.


That article appeared atop 36 stories produced by students in the online journalism classes of the semester.Allow me to walk through these:


Also later in January, Samuel Rubenfeld, a junior in print broadcasting minoring in political science and a product of the Fall JRNL80 class, went to New Hampshire to cover the presidential primary there as part of a political science group and then staying afterwards, used the skills he had acquired in the class to report on the primary. He blogged, flipcammed, photographed and posted a steady stream of articles. I served as his desk editor, copy editor and collaborator as he worked throughout the state. Samuel spent $160.


This is one posting from Rubenfeld, FlipCam video, edited on Jumpcut and posted on a blog.

February began with the visit of the accreditation committee. But, really the challenge was Super Tuesday and a new crop of students with rapid FlipCam training, heading out into the field and filling the NewsHub to cover this event.


April 2008

Final projects for the Spring semester were retooled, with more rigid standards for presentation and a new wrinkle, a live-stream presentation of a program.

Production deadlines were shortened two weeks, and more time was committed to post-production and a new task.

The results are available here:

Wrapping it up

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